terça-feira, março 31, 2009
A Criança Nova que habita onde vivo
Dá-me uma mão a mim
E a outra a tudo que existe
E assim vamos os três pelo caminho que houver,
Saltando e cantando e rindo
E gozando o nosso segredo comum
Que é o de saber por toda a parte
Que não há mistério no mundo
E que tudo vale a pena.
Fernando Pessoa/Alberto Caeiro - O Guardador de rebanhos (VIII)
Time to party, outside
Now at the Easter holydays and with the Sun starting to warm the air, it is time to start thinking at some parties. Organizing a party to get up the moral on this time of global crisis it is a way of having happier employees and clients.
Corporate events with new games like casino games or video games are important at this time to make people forget the day do day problems.
And you don’t need to worry about the materials for these parties, there is a company specialized in Party Rentals. From Inflatable rentals to waterslide rentals they have all the materials to make your party a success!
Personalised gifts
I like to be different form the other people and to have different things, belongs that are unique and personalised, but on the stores most of the times I just find the same type of items that everybody owns.
One way of being different is to have a personalised monogram on a wallet or why not in a mouse pad.
The main street collection of monograms is prefect for all of your goods. Of course that you can show all your creativity when thinking about your gifts, people who give personalised monogram gifts show the concerns in finding the best to their friends and family.
So when you buy for you or and when look for a special gift to someone, don’t forget to look for the
Children plates
I remember so well my children time, when I was a little boy! One of the things that I remember with a great accuracy was the meal time, lunch and dinner specially!
And you don’t even think why these memories are so strong and vivid, but I will tell you!
I had a special plate to eat, only mine, different of the rest of the plates from the family, my soup plate I remember as if was today, had a little duck printed and another on the side, and my meal plate was green, different form the rest of the plates. It was the only green plate at home. This was a way of being different but at the same time to build memories of great moments.
One way of children start to build links and memories is to have personalized children's plates and personalized children's placemats.
With this type of personalized products, children will start to build their own individuality but with excellent memories, connected to good moments.
And keep going with personalized items like the monogrammed tote bags that you will find at
USA casinos
Playing at a casino on the United States has a lot of rules, at has to follow State and Federal legislation, even online casinos based on United States have to follow these rules.
Those who want to play online for money should know which online casinos accept American Players without breaking any rules.
There are a lot of casinos on the net and on Unite States, and choosing the right ones to play is an huge task, and for helping the players there is a site with a list of the United States casinos online, casinos with big bonus, casinos for USA players or no deposit casinos where you can play without making any initial deposit, all kind of casinos!
This gambling portal is very intuitive to use and you can find in one page all that you need to start playing online on
To start earning money you always need to deposit some cash and look at that as an investment because if you are a good poker player you will earn for sure some extra cash. And if you are really, good then you can go pro and start attending to the big tournaments!
Weight control, eat all and loose weight
Today, one of the biggest concern of most people is their appearance, the way they look and more important the weight or overweight that they have.
But if you think right, the weight control is not only important to the way that you look, but is also important in keeping you health and in shape.
Overweight can cause several types of problems to your heart, veins, bones and articulations, so, controlling weight is one important activity to keep you in good health.
There are people who cannot control weight in an easy way, and Weight watchers designed a program called Momentum that is perfect to all the people who wants to loose weight.
With this program you don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat smarter, that means that with this program you will learn how to choose healthy foods together with exercise to loose weight and be healthier at the end!
Following Momentum from Weight Watchers will help you in your task of loosing weight and eating all the tasty foods that you like, but in portions well controlled!
Main street monogram collection
Looking to the mass market today, most of the people has the same equal things that everybody owns, people don’t bother to show their own personality.
At Posy Lane people who really want to be different can find the mainstreet collection of monograms, a collection full of colour and at affordable prices.
The main street collection of monograms is prefect for all of your goods. Of course that you can show all your creativity when thinking about your gifts, people who give personalised monogram gifts show the concerns in finding the best to their friends and family.
So when you buy for you or and when look for a special gift to someone, don’t forget to look for the Pose Lane collection of monograms, and get original and different from most people!
sexta-feira, março 27, 2009
Eu canto porque o instante existe
e a minha vida está completa.
Não sou alegre nem triste:
sou poeta.
Irmão das coisas fugidias,
não sinto gozo nem tormento.
Atravesso noites e dias
no vento.
Se desmorono ou se edifico,
se permaneço ou me desfaço,
- não sei, não sei. Não sei se fico
ou passo.
Sei que canto. E a canção é tudo.
Tem sangue eterno a asa ritmada.
E um dia sei que estarei mudo:
- mais nada.
Cecília Meireles - Motivo
terça-feira, março 24, 2009
Mas quem me poderia responder?!
Tu não, rio sem asas,
Que permaneces
A passar...
Nem tu, planeta alado,
Que pareces
A caminhar...
Humano, só de humanos meus iguais
Entendo a fala,
Os gestos
E o destino.
E esses, como eu,
Olham a terra e o céu,
Os rios e os planetas,
E perguntam também...
Perguntam, mas a quem?
Miguel Torga - Diálogo
What do your name means?
Do you feel that your name carries some weight and some different meaning?
Do you ever think why do you have a particular name and what do your name means? There people all over the world asking why do they call Brian or Daphne, and who originate their names.
Now it is possible to find the meaning of names at an online encyclopaedia, the Namespedia.
This site is very well organized and you can search by country or language, and everyone can contribute to names meaning, in every language.
If you know the meaning of a name, in your own language or in other you can fill up a record, and to follow the Namespedia style, will help others to search.
Visit Namespedia.com and see what does your name means!
Golf Season
Now that the spring is starting, is time to take out the closet the golf equipment and beginning the training and to play.
Walking around the fields on the fairway, breathing the fresh air is one excellent sensation. And going to the green and put the ball into the hole, is sublime.
Of course that the dream of every golf player is to make a hole in one on a Par 4 hole, can you imagine the trill, the excitement of doing that?
Now is the time to see your golf materials, the drivers, to see is everything is in pristine conditions to the golf season.
And it is also time to see the latest trends in golf, and the latest and most modern materials to your favourite game. Almost every golf player is very busy and the best way of searching for the new products is to visit an online Golf shop where it is possible to find the major sports brands.
My German friends can find a list of Golfshops here and see if there is some near your location.
But don’t think that these shops have only materials and clothes for men, today women make part of a growing group of players with professional and amateur tournaments, and there are some with very good handicaps and specialists, so the golf brands are thinking much more on this segment with fashionable clothes and other materials specially designed for women.
From Women socks, ladies rain jackets and pants or women design polo’s, a women player can show all their good appearance on the fairway, just by visiting this online Golf Mode shop.
The great golf brands are here at these online shops, Bridgestone drivers, Callaway ladies drivers, Nike clothes for men and women, Mizuno Caps and other materials form the most well known brands are here just for you to choose, and the prices are lower than in an offline store.
sexta-feira, março 20, 2009
Direct TV
Nowadays I am spending much more time at home, getting out it is very expensive and I am full of the all same things.
So I am thinking in some changes at home, one of them is to have a new TV provider that can give me full satisfaction and a great number of channels to choose.
And with my new TV set, I surely want a provider with a lot of HD TV channels that I can choose from.
One of these providers is Direct TV, with an offer of more than 100 HD channels, High definition is the future of TV, and people will easily move to a provider with HD Channels instead of other with less or none of these offers.
terça-feira, março 17, 2009
Eu vejo como
a flor, a sua cabeleira,
o seu acetinado peito,
a sua compostura
nas lojas esplendem.
como a cor, a luz de seda,
a túrgida torre,
o ramo de ouro,
a pétala violeta da aurora,
o pedúnculo aceso da rosa,
engalanados e nus
se preparam
para entrar na casa dos ricos.
Oh, eu não te culpo, flor,
esguia flor de eriçado ímpeto,
não te nego o direito
de levar o relâmpago
que a terra engendrou com a tua formosura,
para a casa dos ricos.
Eu tenho a certeza
que amanhã
florescerás em todas
as habitações do homem.
Não terás medo da rua esconsa,
nem haverá ao cimo da terra
sombrios tugúrios
onde não entre a primavera.
Não te culpo, flor, estou ciente
do que te digo,
e para que floresças onde deves
florescer, em todas as janelas,
é que eu luto,
e canto a partir de agora, assim
duma forma tão simples,
para toda a gente,
e reparto
as flores de amanhã.
Pablo Neruda - Ode à Flor (Excertos)
quinta-feira, março 12, 2009
Ninguém sabe andar na rua como as crianças. Para elas é sempre uma novidade, é uma constante festa transpor umbrais. Sair à rua é para elas muito mais do que sair à rua. Vão com o vento. Não vão a nenhum sítio determinado, não se defendem dos olhares das outras pessoas e nem sequer, em dias escuros, a tempestade se reduz, como para a gente crescida, a um obstáculo que se opõe ao guarda-chuva.
Abrem-se à aragem. Não projectam sobre as pedras, sobre as árvores, sobre outras pessoas, cuidados que não têm. Vão com a mãe à loja, mas apesar disso vão sempre muito mais longe. E nem sequer sabem que são a alegria de quem as vê passar e desaparecer.
Ruy Belo - A rua é das crianças
segunda-feira, março 09, 2009
É assim todas as primaveras.
Primeiro os botões, depois as flores e finalmente os frutos.
A natureza dá-nos grandes lições de vida. Por maior, mais frio e chuvoso que seja o inverno, podemos estar certos que a primavera nunca nos falha. E com ela a renovação, a esperança.
Na sua grande generosidade derrama esta beleza incomensurável .
Resta saber se a merecemos.
sexta-feira, março 06, 2009
Cactos em Almourol
A carne é flor ou consequência do seu perfume?
Seja o que for
é intensidade que a flor resume.
A mão é gesto que a ultrapassa. O gesto é além.
Porque a mão toca o horizonte
que o gesto da mão contém.
O homem canta.
E enquanto canta o homem dura.
Porque o seu canto é perceber
que a voz prevalece à criatura.
Natália Correia - Meditação
terça-feira, março 03, 2009
Cacto pontiagudo, tosco, sombrio,
Em janela escura, dentro de vaso pálido.
Uma manhã qualquer,
do caule rude brotou-lhe cálice rubro,
flor rubra.
Um poeta, que via as coisas de outro modo,
e gostava de rosas perfumadas e luxuosas,
andava entre nós.
Elogiou a rosa com dísticos altivos
e orgulhosos, menosprezando o cálice rubro.
Existem espíritos austeros, ensimesmados,
mais ligados aos espinhos.
O que se passa no coração deles ?
Se florescem, e se florescem à noite,
têm uma flor rubra.
Petr Bezruc (1867-1958) - Flor Rubra - República Checa
Trad.: Aleksandar Jovanovic
in Rosa do Mundo