sexta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2009

Frésias (Freesia refracta)

Azáleas (Rhododendron)

A Primavera chegou definitivamente à minha varanda, ao meu pequeno jardim.
Pequeno agora, porque as outras plantas foram para um local onde pudessem crescer em liberdade. Mas gosto de ter sempre flores perto de mim, de contemplar a sua beleza e sentir o seu perfume. E agora partilho convosco uma das minhas paixões.

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Webpage design made easy!

Web page design use to be very difficult, one activity reserved just to experts and people who knew the programming languages, HTML and Java script or Flash.

But with the launch of some programming suites and specially some great website builders the creation of web pages is becoming much easy.

Now there is no need to be a HTML professional to design a web site, you just need to have a html editor that allow you to design easy and quickly any kind of web page with professional look.

First page is the website builder that will allow you to do all this without knowing a single code of HTML.

And at their website you will find a lot of other webmaster tools that you can include on your design and make a different and exclusive site.

Webpage design made easy!

terça-feira, fevereiro 24, 2009

Begónia de Inverno (Bergenia crassifolia)

Nenhuma voz me atinge por destino
dela, e nenhuma me procura ansiosa,
se o espaço cruzam num murmúrio fino
ou gritam seu destino, a mais formosa

é sempre aquela que eu encontro agora,
apenas porque a encontro e por mais nada.
E para ouvi-las não existo, embora
as ouça claramente, na humilhada,

ténue, profunda, vasta e dolorosa,
conquanto doce, humanidade alheia,
que em mim se alberga tímida e receosa.

Assim se escutam vozes. Delicada,
sopra no espírito a formosa ideia,
e encrespam-se as palavras na alvorada.

Jorge de Sena - as evidências (XIV)

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quinta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2009

Castelo de Montemor-o-Novo

Sonho, mas não parece.
Nem quero que pareça.
É por dentro que eu gosto que aconteça
A minha vida.
Íntima, funda, como um sentimento
De que se tem pudor.
Vulcão de exterior
Tão apagado,
Que um pastor
Possa sobre ele apascentar o gado.

Mas os versos, depois,
Frutos do sonho e dessa mesma vida,
É quase à queima-roupa que os atiro
Contra a serenidade de quem passa.
Então, já não sou eu que testemunho
A graça
Da poesia:
É ela, prisioneira,
Que, vendo a porta aberta,
Como chispa que salta da fogueira,
Numa agressiva fúria se liberta.

Miguel Torga - Biografia

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quarta-feira, fevereiro 18, 2009

Hip Hop, R&B

I love music, all types of music, the only condition to hear music is that it should be GOOD music.

Urban music is one of my favourites and I discovered an online channel where we can hear good music and see Urban TV Videos, we great performances form the artists.

At we can search for artists, look for the rising artists and for great songs.

You can hear artist like 50 Cent, Ice Cube, Jay-Z or Tupac, just to name some of the artist that are on the Artists directory.

Browsing on the site we can also find some great R&B Music TV Videos, from other great voices of R&B, the queen Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Tina Turner, Beyonce and much more.

HipHop TV is a worldwide network who puts together the best in Hip Hop and R&B music in the world, great songs, great voices and great videos.

Of course that at this directory of artists there are arising artists that will be stars in some years, independent and out of the mainstream, they just found a way to show to millions the work that they are doing with great performances too.

So if you really like urban music videos, Hip Hop and R&B you must visit!

segunda-feira, fevereiro 16, 2009

A acácias mimosas (acacia dealbata) estão em flor.

Ao longo das estradas, elas aí estão a anunciar a Primavera, vencendo as intempéries, para regalo dos nossos olhos e olfacto, pois são muito aromáticas. A paisagem ainda é de Inverno, mas as acácias orgulham-se de ostentar as sua belas flores e a sua folhagem perene. É o primeiro acto do grande espectáculo da Natureza.

Em inglês as acácias chamam-se Don't touche me porque as suas folhas se retraem quando tocadas.

Estas, encontrei-as no caminho entre Mora e Montemor-o-Novo.

Meus amigos entrámos no reinado da Flor.

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sábado, fevereiro 14, 2009

Conquistámos já o Mar:
resta que conquistemos o Céu,
ficando a Terra para os Outros,
os eternamente Outros...
Fernando Pessoa

Um brinde aos blogueiros amigos!

E... porque ter um amigo assim não tem preço...

Meus amigos a Flor teve a gentileza de me oferecer este brinde, que agradeço do coração.

Agora é a minha vez de levar este brinde aos blogues amigos:

Ana Tapadas









Para todos um bom domingo.

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quinta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2009

A noite do meu bem

Hoje eu quero a rosa mais linda que houver
E a primeira estrela que vier
Para enfeitar a noite do meu bem

Hoje eu quero paz de criança dormindo
E abandono de flores se abrindo
Para enfeitar a noite do meu bem

Quero alegria de um barco voltando
Quero ternura de mãos se encontrando
Para enfeitar a noite do meu bem

Ah! Eu quero o amor... o amor mais profundo
Eu quero toda a beleza do mundo
Para enfeitar a noite do meu bem

Quero a alegria de um barco voltando
Quero ternura de mãos se encontrando
Para enfeitar a noite do meu bem

Ah! Como este bem demorou a chegar
Eu já nem sei se terei no olhar
Toda a pureza que quero lhe dar

Dolores Duran - Cantora e compositora brasileira.

Esta canção foi um êxito em 1959, ano em que morre com, apenas, 29 anos.

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Blog and Wordpress themes

A personal blog is something that can consume a great amount of time, but can full fill and be rewarding.

The number of visits and specially the number of people who returns every day is one way of attesting the quality of the posts.

But there is another interesting feature of the blogs than cannot be forget, the design of the page.

The page designs can be the normal ones provided by the service providers but to have a personalized page can take a lot of time and knowledge. Wordpress blogs can have a great design, but for people without the right knowledge to set up the wordpress themes can be difficult.

There is a website who provide a lot of wordpress themes for free, with a modern look and great design.

Having modern look at the personals blogs show respect and concern for the visitors, remember that a blog is your personal diary on the net but also is an open book to the people who visit you every day.

Blog plugins

A blog can be composed by a lot of different things, photos, write themes, draws and other creativity products.

The inclusion of sound and video can be a must on some blog types, the relation between the blog theme and these new media widgets will make the visitors to come back.

For the ones that don’t know how to change the blog appearance it is possible to search for some different themes on the internet, there are a lot of themes for blogger has the same way that they exist for wordpress. The wordpress themes are very different form the other providers due to the different platform used by this provider.

There are also some great plugins that will change completely the way that your visitors will look to your page.
Of course that there are wordpress themes that need to be paid, but you cam also find great free wordpress themes on the internet. And I was searching for themes to a new blog and at this page you will find beautiful themes that will astonish your friends.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 09, 2009


Para onde foi a Primavera?
Solitário, andando sem destino.
Se houver alguém que saiba aonde foi a Primavera,
Chame-a para me fazer companhia!

A Primavera não deixou rasto - quem sabe?
A não ser que perguntes ao oríolo...
Ele cantou tanto que ninguém pôde entender.
Por causa do vento voou por cima das rosas.

Huang Ting Jian (1045-1105) - China

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Zenni Optical

Eye health is very important and today the prices of eye glasses are so high that there are people taking risks just trying to save money without buying new eye glasses.

Zenni Optical in the New York Times ?! New York Times has an article about eye glasses and eye glass prescriptions that is very interesting in time of crisis. When the finances are down, some people tend to forget some health conditions like changing eye glasses.

With Zenni Optical it is possible to see straight without breaking bank, the prices for eye glasses and lenses are so great that you can not only be careful with your vision, but also use fashion and updated eye glasses with great design.

sábado, fevereiro 07, 2009

Que pode uma criatura senão,
entre criaturas, amar?
amar e esquecer,
amar e malamar,
amar, desamar, amar?
sempre, e até de olhos vidrados, amar?

Que pode, pergunto, o ser amoroso,
sozinho, em rotação universal, senão
rodar também, e amar?
amar o que o mar traz à praia,
o que ele sepulta, e o que, na brisa marinha,
é sal, ou precisão de amor, ou simples ânsia?

Amar solenemente as palmas do deserto,
o que é entrega ou adoração expectante,
e amar o inóspito, o cru,
um vaso sem flor, um chão de ferro,
e o peito inerte, e a rua vista em sonho, e uma ave de rapina.

Este o nosso destino: amor sem conta,
distribuído pelas coisas pérfidas ou nulas,
doação ilimitada a uma completa ingratidão,
e na concha vazia do amor a procura medrosa,
paciente, de mais e mais amor.

Amar a nossa falta mesma de amor, e na secura nossa
amar a água implícita, e o beijo tácito, e a sede infinita.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade - Amar
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Handbags for the fashionable woman

Fashion is always changing and the accessories that where fashionable last year, can be out this season and that is not acceptable for the modern woman that wants always to be in close contact with the latest trends.

Stylists every year launch new collections of dresses and clothes and women when buy the late and brand new fashion clothes also need to change the accessories, like the handbags or purses.

The make the good choice of a purse or handbag to go together with the outfit is so important as the choice of the outfit itself.

For the busy woman there is a site where is possible to make these choices, at Sparkle N Pop there is a lot to choose like the Bodhi handbags for the sophisticated woman, or the Andrea Carrano shoes very girly and modern.

And it is so easy to choose and by at Sparkle N Pop, just see, choose and you will receive it wherever you want.

sexta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2009

Daily box

There are millions of blogs on the internet, some good, some bad, and some that you love and some that you simply hate.

From the million of blogs existing on the internet there are a few that really can help you to face the day with a smile on your face, and you know how is important today to have a little bit of sun and humour on our lives.

For that I am always looking for new pages to visit and to advise the visit to my friends, and sometimes I find real pearls on the net, like this one that I am presenting now, the

The daily Inbox is specialized in making us a little bit happier every day with the funny emails that the owner receive, publish and share with all the people who visit the page, and you can be sure that there is some very good stuff on their posts.

But we can also find amazing facts, hoaxes and all the funny and full of humour emails that every day go from email box to email box and that are compiled at Daily Box.

I think that a visit to this blog will make you start or end your day with a smile on your face and thinking that there Is more than grey colours on these days, there are other colours to help you see the life better.

Onine casinos

One of my internet activities is searching on the internet for the best sites on several categories and lately I am seeing some very good sites dedicated to online gambling and online casinos.

As most of you should know there are a lot of online casinos on the net and there is difficult for a player to visit all of them and specially to know which are the best casinos online. There is an online casino that we can call supercasino?

A Casino room where you will can be safe and sure that your earnings will be received in your bank account when you want to withdraw it.

A Super Casino where you will find the games like the super casino live roulette and play this game in the same way that you will do it on a regular casino, and thinking that you are playing in the comfort of your house.

Well there is one online casino with all these features, is here you can play live roulette, live poker or blackjack with other online gamblers. They also have an online blog called Supercasino Blog where players can express their opinions about the type of games and all the features of this online casino.

At this online casino you will find everything to make you feel the trill of gambling, but also advices on gambling responsibility, that will help you and inform you on the risks of gambling for money.

Winning several times in a row, some times make people think that it is easy to earn a lot of money on these casinos if the bets are higher, well you must know that there is an associated risk, and that can take you to loose money. This is one of the few casinos that really advise you on all the risks.

So if you want to spend some good time, playing for money or just for fun please visit

quinta-feira, fevereiro 05, 2009

Só agora consegui ouvir o trabalho do grupo brasileiro Cordel do Fogo Encantado.
Além da música fabulosa tem o poema - Ai! Se Sêsse!.. do poeta popular brasileiro Severiano de Andrade Silva, conhecido por Zé da Luz (1904-1965). O poema é dito por Lirinha.

Não resisti em transcreve-lo.

Se um dia nós se gostasse;
se um dia nós se queresse;
se nos dois se impáreasse,
se juntinho nós dois vivesse!
Se juntinho nós dois morasse
se juntinho nós dois drumisse;
se juntinho nós dois morresse!
Se pro céu nós assubisse?
Mas porém, se acontecesse
qui São Pêdo não abrisse
as portas do céu e fosse,
te dizê quarqué toulice?
E se eu me arriminasse
e se tu insistisse,
prá qui eu me arrezorvesse
e a minha faca puxasse,
e o buxo do céu furasse?...
Tarvez qui nós dois caísse
e o céu furado arriasse
e as virge todas fugisse!!

Severiano de Andrade Silva (Zé da Luz) - Ai! Se Sêsse!...

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segunda-feira, fevereiro 02, 2009

Fraternidade: Meme-Confissões

A Ana , minha amiga, distinguiu-me com a nomeação para este - Meme: Confissões - que consiste em confessar seis coisas de si próprio.

E para que a "corrente" continue, devemos indicar quatro blogues.

Complicado, porque há coisas, que nem às paredes se confessam, como diz a canção.

Mas vou tentar.

1 - O que me move na vida são os afectos.

2 - Sou dependente de música. Seria incapaz de viver sem música.

3 - Gostava de ter possibilidades financeiras para poder viajar muito.

4 - Liberdade, Igualdade e Fraternidade ainda fazem todo o sentido para mim.

5 - Sou teimosa e orgulhosa mas facilmente me convencem se eu não tiver razão.

6 - Mesmo com este nosso mundo virado do avesso: Adoro viver.

Agora os blogues que decidi escolher por, lá está, amizade.

Forum Cidadania (Carminda)

Interludio em Flor (Flor)

Je vois la vie en vert (Verdinha) (Cristina)

Muito obrigada a todas.