sábado, janeiro 31, 2009

Lagoa de Óbidos

O poema é

A liberdade

Um poema não se programa

Porém a disciplina

-Sílaba por sílaba-

O acompanha

Sílaba por sílaba

O poema emerge

-Como se os deuses o dessem

O fazemos

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen - Liberdade

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sexta-feira, janeiro 30, 2009


Faz-se luz pelo processo
de eliminação de sombras
Ora as sombras existem
as sombras têm exaustiva vida própria
não dum e doutro lado da luz mas no próprio seio dela
intensamente amantes loucamente amadas
e espalham pelo chão braços de luz cinzenta
que se introduzem pelo bico nos olhos do homem

Por outro lado a sombra dita a luz
não ilumina realmente os objectos
os objectos vivem às escuras
numa perpétua aurora surrealista
com a qual não podemos contactar
senão como amantes
de olhos fechados
e lâmpadas nos dedos e na boca

Mário Cesariny - Poema

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Japanese food in Mission Viejo or Orange County

If there is one kind of food that I absolutely love, is Japanese food, I am almost a sushi addict!

At least one or two times a week I use to eat sushi, sashimi or even a Teriaky or a Tempura, these are some of my favourite dishes. Sometimes I go to a restaurant but there are a lot of times that I prefer to eat at home with my family or friends.

And when I have special events at my company, I use to contract catering services and of course some of the main dishes are Japanese. I am always searching for good caterers to make part of my suppliers short list, they must have very high quality products and a special presentation.

I have found one a Catering supplier in Mission Viejo that have all these qualities that I search. They full fill the main attributes for a good caterer, high quality products, good presentation and exotic dish design.

When I will give my next party for sure I will contact this Party Catering Mission Viejo Japanese restaurant.

Greeting cards

We are at the end of January and Valentine’s Day is arriving soon, there is time to start thinking in sending cards to the love ones.

And to always remember send some animated cards, with a huge read hart pumping full of love for the person that full fill your memories and that you are always thinking.

But there is more than Valentine’s Day to celebrate, birthdays and special days like the day you meet that special person in your life, are other reasons to send a greeting card, or an electronic gift.

Imagine the surprise that you can offer to someone that you love just by sending a greeting card by email, and all that just for free.

terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2009

Guarda a manhã
Tudo o mais se pode tresmalhar

Porque tu és o meio da manhã
O ponto mais alto da luz
Em explosão

Daniel Faria (1971-1999)

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Vendor Finance

One of the most common dream’s, is to be the owner of their own home. However the possibility to buy a house, an apartment or a condo is not available for everyone.

In Australia there is now a rental crisis that tenants are facing, the rental prices are rising very fast and it makes impossible for someone that now rent a house, to save money to buy its own home in the future.

According to the latest numbers, almost one third of the regular monthly income is spent on rent, and that it is a lot of money.

The dream of buying is difficult in these financial conditions.

However there is a company that can help families to achieve their dreams, they are ownyourhome.com.au, and they have the solution to Australian families that want to buy a house. It is called the Rent do Buy solution, where you rent your dream house and you will pay a monthly rent in the same way as a typical rental, but with one small detail that I Think that is a huge detail, a part of the money goes aside to a future purchase of the house.

Another solution is the Vendor finance, a solution where the seller can finance a part or the whole of the house, and it is a way for seller to have their properties faster on the market, and for buyers here is the possibility of buying a house without a huge down payment.

This is a way to make the real estate market in Australia much more dynamic and make the market to move in this time of economic and financial crisis.

Tickets to sports, musical and other events

When I heard about New York, or think about great sports events I always think about Madison Square Garden. For me Madison Square Garden is another of the Big Apple symbols.

But to get a ticket to assist to one of those events can be difficult, specially if you come from out of town or from another state. One way to have access to tickets in advance for all the events that you want to assist is to visit Madison Square Garden Tickets, a web site where you can find available tickets and also browse the seat and everything.

If you are planning to go to Chicago Illinois, you can also attend sports events at the Allstate arena, and buy tickets trough Allstate Arena Tickets or you can search for other types of events like Musical acts, but to buy tickets to these events, the best way is to visit United Center Tickets,

At Acheapseat.com you can find tickets to several events all over the country.

sábado, janeiro 24, 2009

Prefiro rosas, meu amor, à pátria,
E antes magnólias amo
Que a glória e a virtude.

Logo que a vida me não canse, deixo
Que a vida por mim passe
Logo que eu fique o mesmo.

Que importa àquele a quem já nada importa
Que um perca e outro vença,
Se a aurora raia sempre.

Se cada ano com a primavera
As folhas aparecem
E com o outono cessam?

E o resto, as outras coisas que os humanos
Acrescentam à vida,
Que me aumentam na alma?

Nada, salvo o desejo de indiferença
E a confiança mole
Na hora fugitiva.

Fernando Pessoa - Ricardo dos Reis

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Office templates a easy way to have great design

People who work every day with Office products, such as Word and Power Point, know the importance of having a good image, and if this work is done for different companies or clients as a freelancer than the importance of having different image and design is very important.

For that it is necessary time to develop good office templates, and most of the times, the work doesn’t permit to make new and exciting templates.

There are a lot of places that supply templates for different kinds of works, from web pages to office, from logos to corporate image, but the most of them ask a great deal of money for that.

I have found a website with great word templates and power point templates, just to talk about some of them, because if you need a web page design they have it, and the interesting is that you just have to register and pay a small fee to have access to unlimited downloads of these templates.

Of course, if you want a unique use of the templates you have to pay for the exclusive but if that is not important, then you can download it for free, just by being one of the registered members.

The web site is Dreamtemplate.com and it worth a visit.

quinta-feira, janeiro 22, 2009

Esta é a hora
em que a existência se constrói nos passos
de um deus que chega para me levar nos braços.

Esta é a hora
do espinho arrancar do pensamento.
Partir, nos rios nas aves ou no vento.

Natália Correia - Ir

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terça-feira, janeiro 20, 2009

Parabéns Mundo!

(Imagens da CNN)

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Debt Consolidation

Families due to the economic crisis are deep in debt. The number of credit cards, personal loans, mortgage and other credits are huge, and families are having great problems to make face to all these expenses and to pay the credits on time.

Every day the number of families that struggle, trying to live and to arrange a way to have money to pay all the credits on time, is increasing. Month after month the bills keep coming in and the income is the same, so it is normal to apply for another credit to pay the past due credit.

Family bankruptcy is a reality, and day after day there are more with financial problems.

One way of surpass these financial problems is to negotiate the debt and the credit payments, this negotiation can be done by special counsellors, experts in debt consolidation.

Their job is to see all your expenses and credits and teaching you how to lower bills, in order that you can pay your credits with lower interest rates, lower instalments and with some available money at the end of the month.

After reviewing your bills they will try to do a debt settlement with all the companies that have give credit to you, credit cards, banks and other financial institutions.

Debt consolidation is the best way for your family start to settle the financial problems and start to live again.

Palácio de Monserrate - Sintra

Este Palácio de estilo romântico foi mandado construir por sir Francis Cook, visconde de Monserrate, em 1858.
James Knowles foi o arquitecto.
Foi considerado imóvel de Interesse Público em 1978.
O jardim que envolve o palácio é uma descoberta permanente devida à enorme variedade e beleza botânica com espécies de todo o mundo.
Lord Byron visitou o palácio em 1809. Escreveu o poema "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" onde canta a sua beleza.

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sexta-feira, janeiro 16, 2009

A dor não me pertence.

Vive fora de mim, na natureza,
livre como a electricidade.

Carrega os céus de sombra,
entra nas plantas,
desfaz as flores...

Corre nas veias do ar,
atrai nos abismos,
curva os pinheiros...

E em certos momentos de penumbra
iguala-me à paisagem,
surge nos meus olhos
presa a um pássaro a morrer
no céu indiferente.

Mas não choro. Não vale a pena!
A dor não é humana.

José Gomes Ferreira - Não choro

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Natural soap bar

If there is something that I really love and that I buy often is bath products, and I am always looking for some different types of soap.

Different scents, different types of soap and specially exclusive types, like natural soap bars made of some really good products to skin treatment and beauty care.

In my search for natural products I have found a internet store with a lot of natural soap bars that I think that are perfect for me, and that I advise to my friends.

The store is called Best Bath Store and there I have found a catalogue of natural soap bars that are very interesting, I look at these bars as exclusive and luxury products, but with prices that everybody can afford.

For instance they have a Natural soap bar special to Acne treatment, has you know, acne treatment can be done trough natural products that restore the pH balance of the skin.

But they have other handmade natural soap bars with orange scent, lavender or vanilla, just to talk about some of the scents available. For me the best, the number one natural soap bars are the Dead Sea body bar and the Rose geranium body bar, they are great and they look great at any bath room.
For my is very important that these soap bars are made with organic and natural extracts that together with essential oils can make my skin clear and soft, and looking great.
Obrigada Flor pelo carinho e gentileza.

quinta-feira, janeiro 15, 2009

Stress and colon cleanse

Stress and wrong types of food can lead to bad health conditions with the new food type, fast food, grease foods and unhealthy food there are every day more people suffering from intestinal disturb, skin problems and over weight and hart conditions.

Now, people on the civilized world are discovering an ancient technique to clean the body, it is the colon cleanse therapy, that has been reported to exist at least since the Ancient Egypt, there are records of this technique to be used by ancient physicians.

One of the greatest defenders of these techniques was John Harvey Kellogg, the founder of Kellogg’s breakfast cereal company and owner of a medical clinic located on Michigan state.

Colon cleanser’s are natural products of alternative medicine who help people with problems of constipation, weight problems, acne among several other problems.

Of course that people that are not used to this colon cleanse technique can suffer from a few initial side effects due to the body adaptation to the process. But once the body is adapted, then people can enjoy the full benefits of this alternative type of medicine.

But before start to use colon cleanse therapy it is absolutely necessary to be well informed and to know all the benefits that you can have by adopting this kind o therapies. By reading colon cleanse reviews, you can collect some of the information needed to have a right decision.

Genital warts and cervical cancer

Nowadays it is very important to have information about health conditions and the most commons diseases.

To gather information on diseases and symptoms can make the difference between the cure and the early treatment, and some very difficult and more expensive ways of treat some diseases.

There are diseases that can be transmitted by air, like the flue or influenza, or by intimate contacts like the genital warts.

Genital warts, is a sexual transmitted disease caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that can evolve to cervical cancer. Medical studies point that 70% of cervical cancer is caused by HPV special the types 6 and 11 of this virus.

The genital warts symptoms are visually detected by the physicians and the appearance is like a small cauliflower bump with flesh colour and they occur in the vagina, cervix and uterus in the women, and also around the anus, men can have genital warts around the anus and at the penis, the size can be as small as 2 mm, but it can grow. The biggest problem with genital warts is that the transmission is made by the single touch of the skin.

Pregnant women who had HPV in the past, can have healthy pregnancies, and the good news is that genital warts do not pose a major risk to the baby life during pregnancy. The only big problem is that genital warts if nor treated can pass to the baby during the birth. So Genital warts and pregnancy is something to be seen with some careful.

However it is important to know that genital warts has no cure yet, and the best way to deal with this disease caused by human papillomavirus is prevention by immunization trough a vaccine.

Immunization is the only secure way of prevent human papillomavirus infection, and the occurrence of genital warts and cervical cancer.

terça-feira, janeiro 13, 2009

(Foz do Arelho)

Libertei o quarto onde durmo, onde sonho
Libertei o campo e a cidade onde passo,
Onde sonho acordado, onde o sol se levanta,
Onde, nos meus olhos ausentes, a luz se acumula.

Mundo de pequena felicidade, sem superfície e sem fundo,
De encantos esquecidos logo que descobertos,
O nascimento e a morte misturaram o seu contágio
Nas dobras da terra e do céu misturadas.

Não separei nada mas reforcei o coração.
De amar, tudo criei: real, imaginário.
Dei a sua razão a sua forma e o seu calor
E o seu papel imortal àquela que me ilumina.

Paul Éluard - Em virtude do Amor

trad. Egito Gonçalves.

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Cool leather bracelets to Valentine's Day

We are in already at the middle f January, in one month there is coming Valentine’s Day! The day where all the sweethearts trade gifts and Valentine’s Day cards, the love is in the air and for some of them they will be lucky and get some very good gifts.

Gifts like some cool leather bracelets that I have seen at Lusterforever.com. Who doesn’t like to have a cool silver and leather bracelet has Valentine gift?

And they are really special, for different styles you can choose different bracelets, form funky to punk, from fancy to pretty, there is a lot to choose.

If you want to impress your girlfriend and keep the love of fire burning, then you have to give one of these cool bracelets, and if you want there is hearings and or silver rings to match the bracelets.

After all Valentine’s Day is one of the most important days of the year, and the right occasion to show your love in a different way.

A bracelet can be the perfect way to your girlfriend or boyfriend feel more attached to you.

Don’t forget that it is time to start choosing the perfect gift, don’t let for the last!

sábado, janeiro 10, 2009

No mistério do sem-fim
equilibra-se um planeta

E, no planeta, um jardim,
e, no jardim, um canteiro,
no canteiro uma violeta,
e, sobre ela, o dia inteiro.

Entre o planeta e o sem-fim,
a asa de uma borboleta.

Cecília Meireles (1901-1964)

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sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2009

Improve your site design

Site visitors always like to find new things on the pages that visit every day, a new post, a new feature, something that will surprise them and make them came back searching for new stuff.

One way to surprise visitors is to have that “something” that makes you different. The problem is that most part of people with personal pages and blogs don’t have the skills to program the page appearance, and just use widgets that the blog services provide.

I have found a free tool on the internet that has no registration requirements and is very easy to use. With this tool you can ad an animated corner to your page flashing you visitors about something new on your page.

As I said it is very easy to use and with the preview button on the site you can see how the final appearance will be.

So, to have your Free Flash Animated Corner - Design Enhancement, just click here.

quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2009

A lei das coisas é tombar
Só o pássaro vive para o voo.
Quando pousa é igual ao homem que se senta
Para pensar.
O homem pensa que nada é mais profundo
Que depois de Deus os filhos eos sismos.

Daniel Faria (1971 -1999) - Explicação da Gravidade

Na apresentação do livro - Poesia - de Daniel Faria (Edições Quasi) diz que "Viveu 28 anos a respirar como um clarão"

Uma poesia que toca a alma, digo eu.

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Making money while blogging

On these days internet is becoming more important in the economic live of many people. There are a lot of people actually living and earning just for blogging.

Earning money on the internet it is not easy because there are a lot of scam sites, and people do not know how to choose the right places to earn real money.

In order to make money online, people must be aware of the best sites and the best tips to make real money and not only some cents.

I have found a page, where it is possible to get all the tips on how to make money blogging, at this blog they explain how to produce a great blog and start earning with Paid posts link selling, sponsorship, blog reviews and a lot more.

And the tips that they give are very good, and direct, if you really want to make money online you must visit and more important you must bookmark this site, you want regret it, when you will start to earn with they advices.

segunda-feira, janeiro 05, 2009

Como um grande borrão de fogo sujo
O sol posto demora-se nas nuvens que ficam.
Vem um silvo vago de longe na tarde muito calma.
Deve ser de um combóio longínquo.

Neste momento vem-me uma vaga saudade
E um vago desejo plácido
Que aparece e desaparece.

Também às vezes, à flor dos ribeiros,
Formam-se bolhas de água
Que nascem e se desmancham
E não têm sentido nenhum
Salvo serem bolhas de água
Que nascem e se desmancham.

Fernando Pessoa/Alberto Caeiro - Poemas Inconjuntos (307)

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Online lines of credit

Companies need to finance their selves to be able to invest and to develop their businesses, and now the banks due to this economic and financial crisis are not lending money to anyone.

So to be able to invest companies need to apply to credit with a company like ULSERVICESONLINE has the most EASY AND BEST UNSECURED PERSONAL INSTALLMENT, START UP, BUSINESS TERM AND HOME EQUITY LOANS & REVOLVING LINES OF CREDIT IN New York City.

And if you live on Michigan, than you must search for the Best Same Day Unsecured or Secured Personal, Business, Home Equity & Start Up Business Loans & Lines of Credit Online in MICHIGAN.

And you must be sure that ULServicesOnline makes application for your unsecured financing quick and easy. Apply today for a unsecured start up business, business or personal loan or line of credit online.

So to apply to an unsecure personal loan, a start up businees loan or you need fast credit, visit ULSERVICESONLINE.


Outdoor living is one of my favourite things to do. Going out into the middle of the nature is something to remember, and it is good to our health.

Getting your backpack and a tent and go to discover the beauty of the forests and mountains, mount the tents near a river and wake up in the morning with the sound of the running waters or the birds singing is quite an experience.

And the outdoor activities like mountain biking, walking or bird watching are one way to keep the body in shape.

Sleep at night in the wilderness and listening for all the forest sounds and try to identify the night sound of the owls and other night birds. Having a small fire at the front of the tent and cooking or making a cup of hot chocolate is other the things that give me great pleasure.

I think that there is no better things to do, than go out with a group of friends and live the experiences of wildlife, identify the birds, see the plants and the flowers typical to our forests and mountains, fishing and preparing the fish at a fire camp.

Can you tell me if is this not a wonderful experience? But to do all al that things, you need to have good camping material, a good tent is essential, a tent that will protect you from the climate and the cold at night, but also light weight, to be easy to transport.