quarta-feira, dezembro 31, 2008

( Gotan Project - Campo Pequeno, 20 Dez. 2008)

Meus amigos vamos dizer adeus a este ano 2008, que não deixa saudades.
Escolhi esta fotografia porque o tango desperta paixão. E é com paixão que temos de enfrentar este novo ano.
Por isso vos desejo um 2009 cheio de garra, alegria, paixão nas vossas vidas.
Feliz Ano Novo.

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Wet environments and nail problems

Today I will write about a nail and toe problem caused by wet environments, commonly known as Nail Fungus, if it appears on the fingers, Toe fungus if it appears on the Toenails.

There are several causes to this kind of problems, nail fungus are normally caused by micro organisms called dermatophytes, that means organisms that live and develop on the skin and under the nails when the found a good environment.

Nail fungus are easily found on shower rooms or at swimming pools, wet environments with the right conditions to their development and when they appear on the nails you will note that there is a discoloration of you toe or finger nails in a yellow or black colour than can evolve to cover the entire nail.

Nail fungus treatement must start at the first signs of appearance of the fungus and can be done by several means, oral, with antifungal treatments, and these ones can have side effects due to body reactions to some of the components, or trough external solutions, that don’t have these side effects, because they are derived form natural oils that do not attack your system.

One of these solutions to Nail fungus treatment, and to Toe fungus treatment is the Zetaclear Antifungal Solution.

The use of solutions to Toenails fungus treatment also implies that people with this nail problem should follow some basic hygiene rules that can be found right here.

terça-feira, dezembro 30, 2008

Dai-me um dia branco, um mar de beladona
Um movimento
Inteiro, unido, adormecido
Como um só momento.

Eu quero caminhar como quem dorme
Entre países sem nome que flutuam.

Imagens tão mudas
Que ao olhá-las me pareça
Que fechei os olhos.

Um dia em que possa não saber.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen - Intervalo II

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segunda-feira, dezembro 29, 2008

Website Hosting

Web hosting is one of the most important internet businesses, after all everybody who have a webpage needs to host it somewhere and if it can do that without spending a lot of money that will be perfect.

There are a great number of internet website hosting services but I have found one that give three months absolutely free, so you can test all the features and decide if this web hosting service is the one that you want.And more, there are some web hosts specialized in different kind of services, some are more dedicated to business pages, other are more reliable and other are special to novices.

This web site hosting service has all the features that someone will need like PHP, MySQL, CGI-Bin, Perl, SSL and FTP.

It is one affordable web hosting service with all the great features, Ecommerce, Unlimited domain hosting, unlimited web storage, and much more.
You need to check it out to see all the services provided.

segunda-feira, dezembro 22, 2008

Presépio de Machado de Castro na Basílica da Estrêla

Nasce mais uma vez,
Menino Deus!
Não me faltes, que me faltas
Neste inverno gelado.
Nasce nu e sagrado
No meu poema,
Se não tens um presépio
Mais agasalhado.

Nasce e fica comigo
Até que eu, infiel, te denuncie
Aos Herodes do mundo.
Até que eu, incapaz
De me calar,
Devasse os versos e destrua a paz
Que agora sinto, só de te sonhar.

Miguel Torga - Natal (Coimbra 24 de Dezembro de 1987)

Meus amigos, desejo-vos um Feliz Natal, com muita Paz, Saúde e... Amor.

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domingo, dezembro 21, 2008


One of today’s biggest businesses on the internet is the sports betting business. This is a growing business and people need to trust the betting companies when the matter is sports betting and earning money.

Some of the biggest world sports tournaments and teams are now sponsored by these big betting sports companies, there teams all over the world that the major sponsorship is made by online bet companies, so this is a very serious business.

And the importance of trust and insurance is getting more visible, because this business moves millions of dollars each year, and betting in sports or gambling in online casinos must be very secure.

A site like BetOT.com (bet over time) is leader in sports betting insurance, and people who use this online sportsbook will be fully insured.

There is also a page with the betting rules with all the terms and conditions that players need to know to play online.

Terms like Straight Bets, Parlays, Teasers or reverse bets are fully explained at BetOT.com How to Play page.

For instance, did you knew that a Parlay was a combined bet on more than one game, two three four or more games? And did you know that, to win the parlay, you will need to win all your combined bets, or else, you will loose your whole wager?

To start betting online you can use several payment means that also can be used to collect your winnings. Some of these payment means are, Moneybookers and Neteller, but they also accept Bank wire transfers.

But the best way to know more about sports betting is to go to BetOT.com.

sábado, dezembro 20, 2008

Eu li num livro que o discurso do mundo
Tem oito partes.
E li também que as mulheres repartem
Sete das oito à sua conta.

O meu desejo é que lhes faça
Mui bom proveito!

Cultura Celta (galês) - (Sec.XVII) - A Língua das Mulheres (Tradição oral)

Trad.: José Domingos Morais

(In Rosa do Mundo)

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sexta-feira, dezembro 19, 2008

College Board

Education is one of the most important things nowadays, people with higher education and great skills on their areas have more probabilities of succeed that people with lower grades.

College Board is a not for profit membership association with the main objective of connecting students to colleges and to opportunities.

This association count with more than 5400 schools colleges, universities and much more other educational organizations.

Places like Ashworth College exist to help students in various areas and programs, from college admission, student guidance and assessment, financial aid to students who can not pay the for a good college education, and of course help students and parents to study and learn.

Ashworth College is part of this great network of educational organizations, founded in 1900.

They have some very good programs like SAT, PSAT and Advanced Placement Programs available for all the seven millions students and parents that College Board serve each year.

College Board connects students to succeed, this is their main goal.

See the videos about Ashworth College look at their site and check all the help that College Board association has for students, parents and professionals.

Programs and tests, plan for college, searching and apply for a college and even the financial maters.

See College Board and check everything about this educational organization!

quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2008

O homem é feito de água. Seria uma estátua incolor e transparente, quase invisível, se não fosse a armação de pedra em que se firma e as várias imagens misteriosas reflectidas na sua superfície.

Teixeira de Pascoaes -Aforismos

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quarta-feira, dezembro 17, 2008

Acai Berry

Christmas days are sweet days. I already dream with all the good things that will taste so good but what about the nightmare of the days after. Yes and then, how to lose these extra pounds?
So I find a site that looks to be the right answer for my problem. Specially in days of Crisis.Acai berry products and programs seem to be one of the healthiest and effective in the world, acting in areas like losing weight; eliminating harmful toxins; improving metabolism; fighting aging or providing extra energy.
And it is possible to try for free. The different products say “click here to get your free trail”. Why not? A good way to give a present to myself without wrapping!

Think that it is possible to loose weight in a safe and healthier way with Acai berry


Insurance is a theme that is difficult to understand for most of the common people, The insurance deals with a lot of different variables if there is a life insurance or in auto insurance, with the value of vehicles, the registration date, if the place where the owner lives is in a good or bad, with an history of auto theft or not.

And more, there a large number of insurance companies or small offices always trying to sell the ultimate insurance contract.

For the people who don’t understand the way of working of the insurance business there is a place with a lot of information on this subject, Know your insurance.

Consulting this page you can know all about auto insurance quotes, and what are the best insurance companies or, what you need to choose the best insurance for your vehicle.

But that is not the only information possible to find there, at this page you will find various information on life insurance, and lots of tips to help you saving money on your home, car or life insurance.

Vegetarian recipes

I am trying to live a healthier life, I need to lower down my cholesterol levels that are extremely high, that and all the fats on my blood circulation.

High cholesterol is a problem in great part due to wrong food ingestion, cholesterol is mainly a fat that is ingested by eating animal products, cheese and meat.

One way of eating healthier and with good fats, is to opt for vegetables, or a diet mainly composed by vegetables.

Vegetables are low in fat and there are a great variety of ways of eating them, soups, salads, raw, or cooked, you just need to have the right vegetarian recipes.

It is possible to have low fat vegetarian meals that taste superb and look wonderful. Vegetarian food plates can be so good looking as the most exquisite high cuisine.

To know more about vegetarian food, there is a very nice blog that is full of recipes and tips to help people to eat healthier, is The Veggie Guy!

terça-feira, dezembro 16, 2008

Quem os ouvir, os grilos
que trilam,trilam na escuridão,
há-de julgar que os grilos
têm razão.

Enchem a noite de trilos.
Nem sei que absurda causa os leva
a serem mais presentes e reais
do que o perfume da esteva.

Cantam. De quanto é bom me alheiam.
Não há estrelas, nem rouxinóis, nem nada:
há eles só, riscando a noite
com sua voz encarnada.

Que é das Fadas que vêm com a noite?
Que é dos sonhos que a gente
sonha mesmo acordados,
só porque a noite nos pressente?

Que é dos versos nascidos
quando as brisas da noite nos embalam?

(Zanga-se o poeta, à noite, com os grilos...
Mas eles não se ralam.)

Sebastião da Gama - Os grilos

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segunda-feira, dezembro 15, 2008

Ultra sound technician

For young people that need to start a career sometimes there is difficult to choose what to do.

Some graduate from high school and go strait to college and University, other have a job waiting on the family company or small business and other take a vacation for a week or two, or even a month before starting to think in the future and what they want to do for the next years, what will be their professional life.

These last one, the ones that are looking for a job and to start a career have a lot form choose.

One of the most fast growing types of business is the one on the medical field, there a lack of good technicians in some of the medical areas. With the increase of ultra sound test and exams there is a necessity of technicians on this area of work.

There are ultra sound jobs available on every state and the number of technicians is short.

To have an ultrasound tech certificate there are two ways of get one, attend to a course at a college or University, or to follow one of the courses at a technical school.

Technical colleges are the perfect choice for the person that want to start an Ultra sound career fast, but it is necessary to care and know what school to choose, you don’t forget that Ultra sound technology is used at medical facilities, and the responsibility is very high, so don’t forget to search for a technical school that is accredited.

A sure way of getting a certificate that assure a great job, is to enter a College or University for a four year technical course, with a diploma for one of the Universities or Colleges you know that you can work on a hospital or with a doctor office everywhere.

But if you don’t want to invest four years of your life, you also can attend a accelerated course on one of these Universities, but you will need to count at a minimum of two years course.

For more information on Ultra sound technician career and how to attend a course please click here.

Massage therapist

Changing careers it is normal during the course of life. Life can follow a professional path designed by education, or by heredity, but this path can have multiple ways or can be traced in just one single road.

This means that someone can start the professional life with one job, and live at the same job and function for a lifetime, 30 or 40 years doing always the same, but there are other ones that change careers in a mater of a few years, always trying to climb to a better job or to other career.

It is usual to see people unhappy on their jobs with depressions. So why don’t try to start a new career, there are a lot of ways of work, being happy and earning money.

There are people dreaming to have a day spa, or to work on the cosmetic business, and with the stress that most of the people have today with their rush way of living, one great career is in the massage business.

Attending classes in a massage school will give the necessary skills to start a career on this area. Massage therapy is a way of helping people to get rid of stress, to have a better muscle tonus and a better and healthier life.

Nowadays having a massage therapist diploma can open a lot of doors and new career perspectives, and it is so easy, just fill in your application form and enter at a massage therapist school.

For those who don’t know the principles of the profession, a massage therapist is someone specialized in relieving the aches and pains and all the tensions related with the stress and every day activities.

To take a massage therapist course there some basic and formal training that can take two years in some states or one year in other. But in some states there is some legislation that a massage therapist need to follow to be credited and can work on this career, so, it is very important to know the laws of your state if you intend to start a massage therapist career.

Massage therapists are regulated and certified by the government, and the most part of the stated require a massage therapist certificate in order to practice and work, even if it is not necessary to have this certificate at a small number of states, it will be a good idea to have a national certification that will certificate the owner to perform nationwide.

Massage therapist it is a great career, and you can earn a very good salary, so inform yourself how you can become one!

sexta-feira, dezembro 12, 2008

Faz-me o favor de não dizer absolutamente nada!
Supor o que dirá
Tua boca velada
É ouvir-te já.

É ouvir-te melhor
Do que o dirias.
O que és não vem à flor
Das caras e dos dias.

Tu és melhor - muito melhor!
Do que tu. Não digas nada. Sê
Alma do corpo nu
Que do espelho se vê.

Mário Cesariny - Faz-me o favor
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Hair loss, what to do to prevent?

Hair Loss treatment - HLT, is a Great blog for people with hair loss problems and thinning hair.

At this page it is possible to find all the information on hair conditions, alopecia, type of hair loss, and what causes hair loss on men and women.

Did you know, for instance, that at the 30’s, the hairline of men start to recede, that means more forehead and less hair! This is called androgenic alopecia, and it pass from one generation to another.

The main reasons for hair loss in men are, age, hormones and heredity, these three conditions can lead a men to baldness if there is no treatment.

Starting an hair loss treatment for men will prevent hair loss with the most modern science and products.

On the other way, women are experience the same type of problems and hair loss in women can take them to depression.

The causes of hair loss in women are different than the reasons of men hair loss. The problem in women is that with age they stop producing hair to replace the ones that naturally fall. But other reasons increase the loss of hair, like the chemicals that they use to colour the hair, some diets to loose weight are some of the worst enemies of hair and can accelerate hair loss.

In the same way, there are specific hair loss treatment for women with special products designed to women hair.

At HLT they have a lot of information on hair loss causes, hair loss treatment and products to prevent hair loss and help people to keep the hair on their heads.

Hair Loss Treatment for men and women

One of the problems that men and some women have is hair loss when aging. To some people hair loss start’s sooner than to others, it is usual to see young men, on their late twenties or on the early thirties with some hair problems and starting to get bold or with a fine a tick hair.

Some of the conditions that take place and take to hair loss are genetic, but other conditions depend on the food that everybody eats, the pollution and other external conditions.

To prevent, there are hair loss treatments that can help to stop hair loss, some of these treatments are bases on surgical interventions, with the hair implant on the subject head.

Other treatments, are more preventive, and stop the hair from losing and event strength the hair during the treatment.

But if you think that hair loss it is exclusive of men, you are thinking wrong, women are to subject to these problems, with hair thinning and even hair loss.

Due to difference in metabolism, men and women have different reactions to the same treatment, and this is the main reason to have different types of products for both genders.

Even at the supermarket, when we see shampoos, there are some specific for men, and other more suitable for women.

And the same happen with treatments for hair conditions, there are specific hair loss treatment for men and there are other for women.

Hair loss treatment for women are different because the baldness can happen due to different problems, form aging, to the use of hair colouring products very aggressive, to other type of conditions.

quinta-feira, dezembro 11, 2008

Online accelerated degrees

Nowadays we are always rushing, jumping from one task to another, from one duty to another, from one interest do another…

So we get the feeling that we just don’t have the time to do every thing that fills our wishing list. Studding is a topic of this list to many people that, like my, always thing that tomorrow maybe we can have time for that.
But surprisingly I found a place where we can have accelerated degrees. Just the perfect thing for people that, like me, are always complaining about lake of time.

An accelerated college degree online program, works with each one schedule, and not the other way around. With the flexibility of fast college degree programs, is possible to accelerate to our own rhythm, taking advantage of expanding our minds. Schools like Indiana Institute of Technology that offers 3-12 week terms for their degree programs are considered to have an accelerated online degree program, just the perfect thing for people who wants to work towards the desired career.

Online fast degree, a way of getting your degree fast and easy!

terça-feira, dezembro 09, 2008

Sim, tudo é certo logo que o não seja,
Amar, teimar, verificar, descrer.
Quem me dera um sossego à beira-ser
Como o que à beira-mar o olhar deseja.

Fernando Pessoa - Inéditas (1919-1935)
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segunda-feira, dezembro 08, 2008

Online degrees

The so-called e-Learning has already a long history. The first initiatives of use of computerized networks in higher education date from the mid-70s of the twentieth century.
From the early 90s, the Web is still a highly academic network and becomes as it is today, a network within reach of an increasingly broad audience, with access from work or home for a number growing of users.
Nowadays there are many distance learning degrees and distance learning classes being offered. Selecting the right online distance learning degree is not always easy, and it is even more difficult when you are an adult learner with multiple responsibilities.
The Distance Learning Blog is a resource form Baker Online College that intends to help to deal with all this information. This Blog was created with the intention that students could share online degree experiences. Through the Blog is possible to access distance learning degree reviews, perform an online degree search, browse through informative distance education articles, research credit for life experience, and even learn how to finance an online college degree.

Online it is now possible to attend to business programs online or to see doctoral online degree programs.

Online computer degree

Learning is now possible in any age and in any place due to internet resources and the multiple possibilities to access information. To take a degree that round out technical skills and helps to achieve the career goals can now be easily done without leaving our house looking for the best course or university degree far from home. With the advancement of online colleges and online universities, it’s easy to find a school that fits us.
Online Degrees are growing in the web offering certificated courses in multiple areas like Art & Design , Business, Education, Liberal Arts, Healthcare, Nursing, Political Science, Religious Studies, Science & Math or Technology,. The options include Certificates, Master’s Program, M.B.A. Program and Doctoral Degrees, between others.
Nobody doubts that computers are the future. So, having an Online Computer Degree can open many doors and give the opportunity to seek employment in many different areas.

Just check this online computer university in order that you can choose the best computer degrees online!

Lifelock, the credit protector

Credit protection is one of the major issues nowadays, criminals are getting more sophisticated on their crime performance. With computers internet and access to personal data they can get people personal data, like social security number, credit card, and driver’s license number, and with these data they can do everything.

And everything means that they can open bank accounts, apply for credit and fill applications for more credit cards, and all of this will be done in your name.

Than what do you think that will happen? The bills will start coming to you, and you will only note that when you start receiving the bills or the bank communications.

But there is a way of being protected against this type of crime, Lifelock is the right company to do that, they work before the crime will occur.

They will scan all the major credit company data bases and look for credit applications done in your name.

For more information on credit protection just check the Lifelock reviews, is one way of be informed how that protection is carry out.

And there is more, if you want to make a credit protection contract with Life Lock, then you should take advantage of the special promotion, with this LifeLock Promotion Code you will have great discounts on the monthly or yearly contracts.

domingo, dezembro 07, 2008

Bible Studies

To find places where it is possible to have all the relevant information about a special course or area, is rather important if we don’t want to get lost or be misinformed. This is even more true if we are interested in specialized areas like biblical studies that are now available in Bible Online Colleges.

Bible colleges are institutions of higher education specialized in biblical studies, where the curriculum is bible-based rather than academic. Primarily associated with evangelical Protestant denominations they have their origin in late 19th century Bible Institute movement. Nowadays internet gives the opportunity to attend Bible Colleges with the same quality faculty and classroom instruction, that in on-campus courses.

But the majority of education websites lack human interaction and feedback. That is why places in the internet where people can share thoughts and experiences, like Bible College Reviews are extremely important because they allow online theology bible correspondence and they provide information about all different bible degrees available like Bible Degree, Theology Degree, or Divinity Degree Program offered by Le Tourneau University an Evangelical Christian University.

Someone who wants to follow a career on Christian tasks, must attend to Online Christian Counselor Degree, or to an Online Christian degree.

sábado, dezembro 06, 2008

Não são pepitas de oiro que procuro.
Oiro dentro de mim, terra singela!
Busco apenas aquela
Universal riqueza
Do homem que revolve a solidão:
O tesoiro sagrado
De nenhuma certeza,
Por mil certezas de aluvião.

Mas só quero a fortuna
De me encontrar.
Poeta antes dos versos
E sede antes da fonte.
Puro como um deserto.
Inteiramente nu e descoberto.

Miguel Torga - Prospecção

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Acne, a teenager problem

One of the major concerns to youngsters is a skin problem, acne. For those who don’t know, acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin that normally appears in teenagers due to an increase of the production of grease by the skin glandules.

The sexual hormone production is the main responsible for that increase of grease production, that implies most of the times the appearance of pimples on the face, back, shoulders and chest. If there is no care the pimples can be infected and cause scars and spots that will stay for life.

There are several acne treatments that work, like skin exfoliation, antibiotics, hormonal treatment, some vitamin A related products, or other creams.

For the teenagers acne can cause serious disturbs and take to the teenager isolation. Of course acne has treatment and for knowing all about this you must visit the Acne treatment site, where it is possible to find the best 2008 treatments.

And it is important to read the acne treatment reviews, so you can see what the specific treatments will do, or to prevent, or to reduce the effects of acne in your skin.

The best way of starting a treatment is in the first place to know the type of skin, so you can choose the right treatment.

Every type of skin has a specific treatment, for instance, if you have an oily skin, the best products are alcohol based that will evaporate very quickly, but if your skin is normal to oily there are foams, creams or gels perfect to do the treatment.

Just visit 10acne.com and you will find the right treatment to your acne problem, and suitable for your type of skin.

Doctoral degrees

Today it is very important for professionals in high company positions to have some sort of superior education, a college degree or a doctorate degree shows that the person with the degree had study to try to be the best on their area.

Now it is possible to have access to doctoral programs online, where a professional with a college degree can attend to classes in Universities like University of Illinois, University of Maryland, or Notre Dame Online and start to study for a doctoral degree online.

There is important, at the process of choosing the right degree and the right University, to know the opinion of other students that passed by the doctoral programs of different Universities, so you can have the best way to decide what is the best.

For that is important to read doctoral online degree reviews, written by students for other students.

There is no excuse now for someone that want to have a doctoral degree not to have it, is so simple, the entire process can be done on the Internet.

sexta-feira, dezembro 05, 2008

Photography lessons

I am a huge fan of photography, I remember to start with an old camera, a 35 mm compact more than twenty years ago.

All that I have learned in photography was by my one, by experimentation and a lot of films and photographic paper.

At that time I didn’t even think in taking a photography course, to learn everything about the process.

Colour photos and black and white photography have different shooting techniques, different light conditions and the preparation is completely different just to obtain the best results.

At New York Institute of Photography, you can learn from the basics of photography to the most elaborate ways of shooting a scene. You will learn with respected real life photographers, and combine their lessons with NYI online magazine full of photography tips that will help you to be a better photographer.

The NYI complete course will give the skills to succeed as a professional photographer or to be a very good amateur, shooting landscapes or taking some excellent photos of your family and friends.

This course is composed by 30 illustrated lesson booklets that cover the A to Z of photography, and also 6 Live Action DVD’s with real professionals at work.

New York Institute of Photography, if you like photography then you must bookmark their site.

Start Up business capital

We are almost at the end of 2008, a year of economic and financial crisis, that take a lot of families and companies to bankruptcy. Lots of people loose their jobs, for some of them that could be seen as an opportunity to start all over again with their own business.

But for starting a new business there is necessary to have money, and the banks are cutting the credit, so, the nest way of having money is to apply for an Unsecured Start-Up Business Loans with a company specialized in this type of credit.

Unsecured Business Term Loans provide a specific amount of credit to purchase assets or meet specific online unsecured funding needs. With this type of loan you will be able to start up and have money to the first expenses, and to set up your business.

At this days, having a personal business could be the answer to the unemployment, and if you have a good idea and a good project plan then why not to apply to an unsecured business loan, or unsecured start up business loan, for sure that the credit application will be analyse for the most skilled professionals and they will give you a fast answer!Start

quinta-feira, dezembro 04, 2008

Hibiscus sp.
Flores para amenizar estes dias de chuva e frio.
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quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2008

Personal Loans

Now that the economic crisis is slowing down people should expect that banks could come to the previous way of doing business and start to give credit again to their clients.

But now banks are much more restrictive on the matter of credit analysis and they want to be very secure when they see all the credit applications that arrive every day to their counters.

Now to some special expenses, it is much more easy and fast to borrow unsecured PERSONAL LOANS to take a vacation, home improvements, household appliance, catch up on past due bills or other purpose..

Accommodative Financial solutions, is an online company that provide unsecured personal loans to whatever you want, with AFS easy unsecured personal loan application and quick decisions you can get the money in your bank account faster.

With a minimum of $10.000 for a personal loan, you can start thinking where you want to spend the money that AFS can get you!

Project management!

Having a business today implies that the owners have to know how to manage the company. In order to generate income, a good management is essential and for that it is necessary to have the best tools on the market.

There is software on the market to help managers to do that with online project management, task management, project scheduling and even team collaboration, all that in one single central place.

This project management software was designed for the real world, for real people to work with, not only the IT professionals of the company.

Liquid planner is that software that I was talking about, and it is a simple and powerful alternative to Microsoft Project.

But there is more, in the area of project collaboration, there is another and new approach called Base camp, with this software there is an improvement on communication inside the project team, and between the project team and the clients.

With simple and powerful project management working together with the simplicity of good communication software, the success rate is higher and time of project improvement is lower.

Having the possibility of work with simple communication tools such, Make to do lists, sharing files easy, tracking the project time, and scheduling milestones, knowing what are the tasks to do and the responsible for them, is essential for the success.

The project management software, Liquid Planner, allows real time scheduling, so you can be alerted to the project killing delays, you can create accurate timelines with Ranged estimation tools, the teams cam keep always connected with the project collaboration tools.

And more, analysis can be done in a snap, with the dashboard and report tools.

This web based software is always on easy to use.

Read the reviews and satisfaction surveys on Liquid planner and Base camp, and you can start seeing that project management software can be simple and yet powerful!

segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008

(Flor de macieira Bravo Esmolfe fotografia em Nov."008)

"Aprendi com as Primaveras a me deixar cortar para poder voltar sempre inteira".

Cecília Meireles - Poetisa brasileira (1901-1964)

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Instrumental beats

I am a huge fan of music, and now there is possible to find almost every type of music in the internet.

I found a internet site that Is very interesting for people who like music and in special people who needs beats for work or as background music for some projects.

At this Jee Juh Productions it is possible to find instrumentals, music without the vocals to be used online, or downloaded, but also some featured artists and some exclusive beats.

The beats can be chosen by style, or by artist, so if you need some instrumentals for your website just go to Jee Juh and look around.

The process of buying is fast and easy, you just have to select the beats to buy, click the buy button and use one of the secure Paypal payment options.

After paying, just follow the link and download the beat that you just select. Don’t forget that there are two packs for the buyers, the Gold Pack, usable for lifetime and with Mp3 audio files, and the Platinum Pack, the same but with WAV audio files.

For people who needs to use instrumentals and different beats on the work or to put sound on a website, Jee Juh Productions is a good site to visit.